Future concept---> NOKIA

Posted by Varatha krishnan On Saturday, October 27, 2012 0 comments
Nokia is planning to issue their awesome innovative mobile Nokia MORPH.

This mobile is a total package of unbelievable technology and is totally made by nano products.

Nokia says " Morph is a concept, demonstrating some of the possibilities that nanotechnologies might enable in future communication devices "

On looking at the video released on basis of this concept, we can see that a flat looking bluetooth headset is attached to the mobile and it can be detached from the mobile for calling. This may look ordinary but the video shows that when the headset is removed, the calling menu goes along with BT headset and the mobile can be operated at the same time as usual.

It also compares and shows that 10000 nano transistors can fit in single hair of an fly.

It also has a sensing app which senses the properties of materials by using a nano sensors. The video shows the sensing of an apple whether it is safe to eat or it needs washing etc., It can also detect some chemical components in air.

Nano scale glasses are used for charging and it acts like solar panels!!

It also has self cleaning property, which is a main characteristic of nano materials. this makes it extremely dirt repellent and also towards liquids.!!

Due to the presence of nano fibers and spider silk in it it is bendable and stretchable. It can be modified to any shape required. This mobile is wore as a watch and the amazing feature is it asks whether to lock the shape or not.

It also have haptic surface and the buttons are real 3D.

It is also made of transparent electronics which helps us to view the background while operating the mobile.

Nokia states that this is wearable device.!

Cambridge nano science center and Nokia research center are collaborated to invent this device.

The normal specifications like camera, resolution,etc are not provided yet.

But still it is expected to release only in 2021.:(

To view the images click this url-->https://www.google.co.in/search?q=nokia+morph&hl=en&noj=1&prmd=imvns&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=SZ2LUOOpGIy0rAeJwIGYCg&sqi=2&ved=0CDQQsAQ&biw=1366&bih=643

To view the video click here--->http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IX-gTobCJHs

You can also visit---> http://research.nokia.com/morph


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