Crazy people.!!!!

They say that Mayan Calendar ends at 2012, I know the real reason..

The author of the calendar might have slept after writing the 2012 calendar..If Not Then why the HELL he did not write the 2013 calendar without a " P.S note " stating, "World Will End In 2012".

I think I'll get a Nobel Prize for this amazing invention if this annoting 21-12-2012 doesnt happen..

Anna University 3rd sem Maths Retest

Posted by Varatha krishnan On Wednesday, December 12, 2012 0 comments
Anna University third semester maths paper has leaked and is confirmed.!!!!
So sad of students as it is said that the maths paper was so easy and most of the students have written it well.. The confirmation news has released in THE HINDU paper today( 12-12-12 )

but still university has not confirmed it yet.

First moon landing by America is " FAKE "

Posted by Varatha krishnan On Tuesday, December 11, 2012 0 comments

Top 5 Reasons Why People Think the Moon Landings Were Faked

Over the years, many people have claimed that the moon landings were faked due to a variety of things, and we've rounded up five of the most common reasons - all of our descriptions are responses gathered from online forums, and not definitive explanations by any means. Yes, FOX even aired an entire special on this topic.

5. Spotlight:
The well-known photograph of Buzz Aldrin standing upright in the spotlight is a giveaway because he is actually being illuminated in a spotlight from supposed rays from the sun even though the terrain around him remains in darkness. Just how could the sun add a spotlight around a certain individual akin to a stagehand directing a spotlight on an actor or even performer on stage? This was undoubtedly a significant screw up, and NASA was reckless for believing that not a single person would realize or that they could get away with it. In fact, it was such a blunder that NASA even tried to cover it up by brightening the rest of the surface in subsequent versions of it.

4. Shadows:
The shadows diverge and converge in many of the moon landing pictures. A number of them also join at perpendicular 90 degree angles. This simply cannot be if there is merely one source of light, the sun, as NASA alleges . Under the sun, shadows run parallel to each other. They just do not converge or intersect . And so, there would have to have been one more light source, along the lines of fill lights utilized on a motion picture studio stage to balance out the lighting, because officially, the astronauts did not actually bring along any other light sources on them. Apollo defenders try to cop out of this by claiming that the slant of the surface, angle of the sun and perspective of the viewer can cause shadows to converge or diverge. However, many of these shadows are on objects close to each other, and there is no indication that the sun is at an extreme angle. Most of the shadow anomalies were on fairly level surfaces, and even on those that weren't, the slight slant was not enough to account for the distorted shadows.

3. Footprints
The snapshots of the astronaut bootprints on the moon dust should not be at all possible. Boot prints are only feasible if there is moistness in the sand or perhaps dirt . Having said that on the moon, there is not any moisture. As soon as a person steps on dry sand - for instance on sand dunes - no footprint is left and no ridges from the shoe or boot soles are embedded. All that's left is small dent in the sand. So this is a curious anomaly.

2. Halfway to the Moon
In Bart Sibrel's documentary "A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Moon", a video recording is revealed of the Apollo 11 astronauts faking an image of the Earth from low orbit, while radioing to NASA that they were 130,000-miles from Earth, or halfway to the moon. The astronauts stated at some point in the clip that the camcorder was set up against the window. And yet an object obstructs the view of the purported distant Earth, along with a light structure can be viewed moving in the corner too, which isn't possible if the camera were situated against the window. When the lights go on, we see the blue light outside, which means they were either in low earth orbit, or in the daylight blue skies of Earth. In fact, the blue light can be seen from two separate windows in the command module.

1. Wires
In a number of the videos of the Apollo moon walks, you will notice wires installed on the astronauts, which sometimes even flicker in the light a couple of times. This can be viewed as smoking gun footage as well. To view them all, head over to YouTube and enter "moon hoax wires". But why would the astronauts need wires attached to them , unless they were in a staged movie studio?

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Invisible dress-TRUE

Posted by Varatha krishnan On 0 comments

New Camouflage Material 'Quantum Stealth' Could Make Soldiers Invisible

A NEW fabric has been created which claims to be able to give troops the power of invisibility - just like Harry Potter.
Canadian company Hyperstealth Biotechnology Corp claim its Quantum Stealth fabric is completely invisible.
While the company hasn't provided images of the actual material being used, it has made a video which it says demonstrates the overall concept of its magic fabric.
For security purposes the real technology cannon be revealed - or hidden - as the case may be.
While the company hasn't provided images of the actual material, it allowed CNN to make a video which it says demonstrates the overall concept of its magic fabric.
"A material that renders the target completely invisible by bending light waves around the target," the company states on its website.
"The material removes not only your visual, infrared (night vision) and thermal signatures but also the target’s shadow."

But for security purposes the website can’t discuss details about how it accomplishes the 'bending of light', but it says groups from the American and Canadian army have seen the fabric in operation and can verify that it does work.
They cannot say, however, if it will help you escape the clutches of evil Lord Voldemort if you were to encounter him.

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Posted by Varatha krishnan On 1 comments


Only 2 types of communications are the Fastest in the World-

(1) e-mail


(2) Female.

:D :D

Anna university- 3rd sem maths retest-2012

Posted by Varatha krishnan On Monday, December 10, 2012 0 comments
" Anna university of chennai has announced that mathematics paper has been outed " --> this is the news we got and this may or may not be a rumour. So plz wait 4 some time and if anybody got a confirmation, plz comment it here about it.

Thank you guys in advance.

Samsung S IV

Posted by Varatha krishnan On 0 comments

Samsung will release its next-generation Galaxy S4 smartphone at some point during the first half of 2013. As releases go it doesn’t get much bigger than a new flagship from Samsung, now the world’s largest mobile phone manufacturer. 
Up to now most big releases – well, ones that piqued the attention of millions of people all over the globe – were the sole reserve of Apple and its iPhone and iPad. This is no longer the case, however, with Samsung commanding just as much, if not more, attention from consumers en masse. 
So while the release of the iPhone 5S will no doubt be a big deal, Apple launches always are, we think Samsung’s Galaxy S4 could well eclipse the new iPhone, both in terms of shipments, interest, and features. Case in point: the Galaxy S3 outsold the iPhone 4S in Q3 2012. 
The Galaxy S3 was a resounding success, cementing Samsung as the true heir to Apple’s throne. The device was bigger, better, and faster than nearly all of its peers and made the iPhone 4S look practically remedial, a point that was further cemented by the introduction of Google Now via the Android Jelly Bean update.  
So what can we expect from the Galaxy S4? Read on to find out: 

Galaxy S4 – Design

At this juncture in time it’s hard to talk specifics about a handset that’s probably not going to see the light of day for potentially another six months. But because it’s Samsung we’re talking about here it’s probably safe to assume that the device will be constructed from similar materials to those used on the Galaxy S3 and Note 2. And that means plastic – and lots of it. 
We’d expect the device to be significantly slimmer than the Galaxy S3, as well as bigger, owing to the inclusion of a larger display. But beyond that it’s difficult to speculate any further. We would like to see Samsung up the ante in the build materials department though – perhaps even introducing a unibody aluminium chassis? 
What to expect? The Galaxy S4 will be bigger, slimmer, and lighter – and hopefully constructed from better quality build materials.  

Galaxy S4 – Display 

Latest reports suggest the Galaxy S4 will feature a 5-inch full HD 1920x1080 pixel display that’ll pack in a staggering pixel density of 441ppi. Samsung is also reportedly using flexible OLED panels rather than glass setups aboard its next flagship, although whether this actually turns out to be the case remains to be seen. 
According to a one unnamed Samsung exec, ‘the company will pull out a handset featuring ultra-thin AMOLED material and a screen with a 441 pixel per inch density,’ according to Tech Radar. Either way you can bet your socks that whatever Samsung launches will rival anything produced by HTC, Sony, and LG in the coming months. 
What to expect? A 5-inch full 1080p HD display with a staggeringly high pixel density

Galaxy S4 – Processor

Samsung will be showcasing a dual quad-core mobile processor at the International Solid-Stat Circuits Conference in February next year.
The System-on-Chip (SoC) is a 28nm chip, with one quad-core cluster running at 1.8GHz for high performance apps, and the other running at 1.2GHz for energy efficiency. Based on an ARM A15 Cortex setup, this chipset is widely believed to be the one that will power Samsung’s Galaxy S4. 
Analyst Kevin Krewell at Linley Group told EETimes, 'We expect the Samsung part is the first big.little processor. The A7 cores should be capable of handling most [smartphone] tasks, with the A15 cores only required for maximum performance needs, like video games.'
And because the Galaxy S4 is likely to be such a big release, we’re inclined to believe that this is potentially the chipset that will power it. Samsung likes to show off, and launching a new flagship on either of its current Exynos SoCs just isn’t the company’s style. 
What to expect? A new Exynos-branded ARM A15-based SoC capable of staggering processing power – we’re expecting something very impressive here.
Other rumours have broken that the Galaxy S4 will in fact feature a 1.2GHz dual-core CPU. This latest leak is based on a NenaMark2 benchmarking test, which also suggests the device will run on android 4.2 with a 800x480 pixel screen. We're sceptical, that's for sure.

Samsung Galaxy S4 – Release Date 

Latest reports suggest that Samsung is now testing a device, referred to internally as Project J, ahead of a suspected April launch event. If said device turns out to be the Galaxy S4 that could mean a May/June release is indeed on the cards.