CraZy PeOpLE.!!

Posted by Varatha krishnan On Monday, November 19, 2012 0 comments

ACCEPT IT HUH?????????



Posted by Varatha krishnan On Wednesday, November 14, 2012 0 comments
You guys can follow me in TWITTER//.. -->

Celebsin Early Age.!!

Posted by Varatha krishnan On Saturday, November 10, 2012 0 comments

The Below Statements are Real Which are said by them..!! 

I didn't complete my University : Bill Gates

I Stitched Shoes in childhood : Abraham Lincoln,

I was the one who served in Hotels : OBEROI

I was Conductor :

I worked at Petrol Pump : Dhirubhai Ambani

I Failed in class 10th : Sachin Tendulkar

I was a Drop out n Keyboard Player : A.R. Rahman

I Slept on a Bench & borrowed ₹ 20 everyday from friend to travel to filmcity : Shahrukh 


I used to serve Tea to support my Football Training : Lionél Messi

Life isn't about finding yourself :) Life is about creating yourself.......

After Hearing All these, I can remember this.!!


These are not PHOTOSHOPPED.!!!

Posted by Varatha krishnan On 0 comments
These Amazing Pics are not photoshopped.!!!

1.The Southern Sky Columnis located in the Zhangjiajie National Forest Park in China. It's nickname is Avatar Hallelujah Mountain after the floating mountains in the sci-fi movie.

2.These wave rock formations are located near the Utah-Arizona state lines.

Sinkholes are real and terrifying! This particular sinkhole was found in Guatemala City in 2010. It was 18m (60ft) wide, and 60m (200ft) deep.

The  real two-faced cat! Frank and Louie turned above 12 years old and is the world's oldest two-faced cat.

Source-->internet..oops.forgot the website.:P

Unknown facts.!!!!

Posted by Varatha krishnan On 0 comments
ABBREVATION                      -                       MEANING

NEWS                                       -                  North East West South

CHESS                                      -              Chariot Horse Elephant SoldierS

COLD                                       -             Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease

JOKE                                        -                 Joy Of Kids Entertainment

AIM                                           -                       Ambition In Mind

DATE                                         -                  Day And Time Evolution

SMILE                                        -          Sweet Memories In Lips and Memories

BYE                                            -                   Be with You Everytime
 The first transistor was invented at Bell Laboratories on December 16, 1947 by William 

Shockley, John Bardeen and Walter Brattain. It later made possible the integrated circuit and 

microprocessor that are the basis of modern electronics. Prior to the transistor the only 

alternative to its current regulation and switching functions (TRANSfer resISTOR) was the 

vacuum tube, which could only be miniaturized to a certain extent, and wasted a lot of 

energy in the form of heat. 

Although video was possible with vacuum tube equipment, as was the case with the Ampex

VRX-1000, without the transistor video products would never have gotten very small.



world record of awesomeness...

Posted by Varatha krishnan On 0 comments
    World record 22 gigawatts of electricity per hour  
  German solar power plants produced a world record 22 gigawatts of electricity per hour ~ equal to 20 nuclear power stations at full capacity ~ through the midday hours last Friday & Saturday.!!!  youtube : German solar power plants

source->Did you know?

Heart of Blue whale.!!!

Posted by Varatha krishnan On 0 comments

                                    Heart of blue whale

Heart of blue whale weighs 600 kilograms and is the largest known in any animal. Heart of blue whale weighs 600 kilograms.!!

 A blue whale's aorta (the main blood vessel) is large enough for a human to crawl through.!!!!!

source-> Did you Know?

70 million old GEM.!!

Posted by Varatha krishnan On 0 comments
         70 million-year-old fossil of a mollusk found

             Gem Ammonite, a 70 million-year-old fossil of a mollusk found in British Columbia.

Ammolite is one of the world’s rarest gems. 

It comes in  the full spectrum of colours: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet. 

The quickly depleting world supply of Ammolite makes it a unique and memorable purchase. 70 million old GEM found.!!

Ammolite is known as Alberta’s Gemstone.

source->Did you Know?

A planet of Diamonds..!!!

Posted by Varatha krishnan On 1 comments
    Scientists discover massive planet made of diamonds

55 Cancrie e visible with the naked eye from Earth.

The planet's surface is believe to be covered in diamonds and graphite

A planet which really does twinkle like a diamond in the sky has been discovered by scientists - its surface is littered with the precious stones.55 cancri e--- THE DIAMOND PLANET

The planet - called 55 Cancri e - has a radius double the size of Earths, and weighs eight times more. Whilst Earths surface is covered in water and granite, the new planet is thought to be covered in diamonds and graphite.